West Columbia, SC
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Ends ()

This event has reached capacity. You will be asked to fill out a basic information form and then added to the waitlist.

Event Description

Young Jains of America (YJA) presents the 2025 Southeast Retreat — get ready to embark on a weekend of adventure in West Columbia, SC, where you can explore new horizons like Woody and Buzz, discovering hidden gems and making new friends along the way. With magical meals and exciting experiences, it’s a journey that will make you feel like you've landed in Andy's backyard! The retreat will be taking place from Friday, March 21st, through Sunday, March 23rd, 2025. Are you ready to join the adventure?

You must be between the ages of 14-29 at the time of the retreat in order to register and attend this event. A valid photo ID will be required for registration and check-in.

A sample detailed schedule from a previous Southeast retreat can be found here. The schedule can be changed at the discretion of the Regional Coordinator or other YJA Executive Board members.


Health & Safety Policy

For the health and safety of all the attendees, please monitor your health prior to attending this in-person event. If you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms, we strongly encourage you to take an at-home COVID-19 test or to stay home. Please contact events@yja.org if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for prioritizing the safety of our community!

Other Special Accommodations

By default you may be asked to share a room and bed with another person of the same birth-assigned sex as you. We will also be serving vegetarian Jain food with vegan options. If you need any other health-related or any special accommodations or have any questions, please contact the Director of Events and the YJA Co-Chairs at events@yja.org. We want all members to attend YJA events regardless of their identities, background, pre-existing health conditions, etc. and will attempt our best to accommodate requests.


Rules and Regulations

YJA has outlined its 2024-2025 in-person events rules and regulations on this document. All attendees are required to review and agree to these rules and regulations during the registration process.

Official 2025 YJA In-Person Rules and Regulations

Key Rules and Regulations

  1. Please be respectful of other attendees in your speech and actions. Any inappropriate comments, language, and actions will not be tolerated.
  2. There is a strict policy against the possession of or consumption of any alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, vapes, or illegal substances at any time during the retreat.
  3. Please be respectful of the retreat site property including, but not limited to, everything within the lodging room.

Those who are reported to have acted inappropriately or to have significantly impacted others’ retreat experiences in a negative way will be subject to consequences at the discretion of the Regional Coordinator and other members of the YJA Executive Board present at the retreat.

We want to state the boundaries of the event clearly to ensure that everyone learns, grows, is respected, and has fun! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email events@yja.org.


YJA attempts to make its events affordable for all attendees. The registration fee includes accommodations, meals, educational materials, retreat merchandise, access to all sessions and activities for the weekend, and much more. Any extra transportation costs are not included. Each attendee will be responsible for the cost of their transportation to the retreat venue. YJA will help coordinate transportation and carpool, as available.

DatesRegistration PhaseCost
1/12 - 1/26 (11:59 PM PT)Phase 1$139
1/27 - 3/6 (11:59 PM PT)Phase 2$149
3/7 - 3/21 (11:59 PM PT)Phase 3$159


We would greatly appreciate it if you could help YJA by choosing to add a donation at the time of payment. This would help us raise the money we need to ensure YJA remains affordable for as many potential attendees as possible.

Financial Assistance

We want to ensure that financial reasons are not a barrier for YJA members from attending YJA events. Please fill out this Financial Assistance Google Form if you would like to be considered for financial assistance for a 2025 YJA Retreat. Financial assistance will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis until our allocation of funds is exhausted.

Cancellation Policy

We understand sometimes your plans may change or things may come up. If you need to cancel your registration, here’s our cancellation policy:

  • If you cancel your registration at least 10 days before the retreat start date, you are guaranteed a 50% refund of your registration. If YJA is able to fill your spot, we will then issue a 100% refund.
  • No refunds will be issued for cancellations made within 10 days of the retreat start date.

YJA reserves the right to change or cancel retreat plans due to any unforeseeable circumstance. YJA will do its best to refund attendees, but does not promise any refunds in such situations. YJA is not responsible for any charges associated with these changes or cancellations (travel, accommodations, etc.).If you have any questions or would like to proceed with registration cancellations, please contact events@yja.org.


What does the registration cost cover?

The registration cost includes lodging, food, educational materials, and merchandise. Each attendee is responsible for additional charges, such as transportation.

Will I need to bring extra spending money?

You won't be needing any money at the retreat itself, but we recommend bringing extra money in case of any emergencies.

What kind of clothes do I need to bring?

Keep in mind that we’ll be doing various indoor and outdoor activities and playing games late at night, so bring comfortable shoes and clothing for these activities. Otherwise, it’s up to you, but just remember to keep your clothes appropriate for a YJA retreat.

Will there be any doctors on-site?

As of right now, there will not be any doctors on site, but safety is our first priority and basic first aid supplies will be available.

How long are we going to be in sessions?

Most sessions will be between 60 and 90 minutes long. There will be ample time in between sessions for snack and restroom breaks. 

What if I have to leave during the retreat?

To ensure attendee safety, we ask everyone to remain on the premises for the duration of the retreat unless authorized to do so by the YJA Executive Board. Please contact events@yja.org with any questions.